Do We Have Free Will?

What made you get up this morning? Was it that you chose to do so or was it a combination of your biological makeup and upbringing that made you systematically get out of bed? It seems problematic whether or not we have free will. We may never be able to prove if the “soul” really exists and can make decisions on a metaphysical level. However, to organize your thoughts, here are the basic views on whether or not we have free will.

Libertarian Free Will:
This is for those that believe we can choose freely regardless of what circumstances we are in. Our actions are not determined by outside forces and are solely from our own personal metaphysical being. When we choose to do something, there are alternatives that we may have also chosen as well.

In this view, we are all bound by fate. It doesn’t matter what you choose to do, because a combination of your circumstances, biology and general makeup determined your decision, regardless of whether you “feel” like you have made the decision on your own. Every action you take has been caused by other events that have occurred in the past or present.

What is the rational answer?

Compatibilism/Soft Determinism:
This view is a bit tricky. It attempts to allow libertarian free will and determinism to coexist. We recognize that the events in the world will play out deterministically, however, we still make decisions on our own.

Taking It A Step Further
One really good read is “Free Will” by Sam Harris. In this book, Sam Harris attempts to enlighten everyone with a unique perspective on free will.